She also walked without a leash, on the grass, always beside or a little bit behind us, and never surpassing us :-)
Seeing people running or on bicycles, she reacted very well, looking at them, but never running towards them! That's a real progress, since only 2 days ago she was attracted to any moving thing or people. :-)
While we were sitting, taking our daily sunbath (!), a couple of two old people, around 70 years old, came closer, and asked about her, where we got her, and so on. Unfortunately when they heard the word "Sweden", they said that it was a little bit too far away, but they remained seduced by Dharma and her so sweet temperament.
A step forward also concerning the separation, she remained 3 hours all alone this morning and when we came back she was completely silent and quiet.

A small video when I'm calling Dharma :-D, actually I took it yesterday.
She´s very sweet and lovely, and so small !!